Old School

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Been busy growing....

Life has been keeping us busy... beautifully busy!  Emily is back to work, Jim still doing some business travel, Reagan is IN LOVE with Maria (her SUPER babysitter/family member), and Maggie is remaining to be the queen of the couch. Life is just where it is suppose to be.... GRAND!
I have received many death threats... requesting new pictures of Reagan.  Here are a few to hold you people over.  Give me 4 more weeks... school will be out for summer, then I will be sure to annoy you with every last pixel that is captured by our camera.
We hope that all is well with you.... happy, healthy, and full of love.
Until next time.... xoxoxo

 Reagan and her cousin Audrey.....

 4 months old already!!!!

Reagan and her partner in crime Elle.... flew all the way from New York for a play date!

Aimee and I introducing the girls to their best friends.... whether they like it or not! :-)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

14 weeks!

Has it been 14 weeks already!?
Wow, how times flies by when you have lack of sleep and can't remember my name most days.  I think I have gone up and down the stairs a million times forgetting what on earth I was setting out to do.  When will my brain return!?  On a good note.. my butt and leg muscles are getting a bit of a work out.

So... what have we been up to?  Besides feeding, cleaning poopy diapers, sanitizing bottles, and keeping up with household chores.... NOTHING!  We are spending most of our days/nights being new parents.  And loving every minute of it!
Although, we do have a babysitter coming this week so we can meet up with some friends.  I pray to the heavens that I don't curl up and fall asleep at the dinner table :-) 

She's getting bigger by the minute.  She is a tall young lady... already wearing some 6 month clothing!
We had her first Easter Bunny photo, first giggle, and our first night of continual SLEEP!  :-) Ahhhhh!
She has filled our life with so much love and peace!  Everyone says that "it just keeps getting better!"... but I find it hard to believe that it can get better than this!  Love being MOM!

Have to return back to work in a week... holding back the tears. 
Only 6 weeks until summer strikes.... wish me luck.

Here are a few pictures of our little princess..... has become a bit of a vocal one too!  Definitely telling us what she wants... and doesn't want.  All is well!