Old School

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet Reagan!!!

I would like to introduce to you the new additon to the Barry family... making us VERY proud parents and officially Barryfor3!

Meet Reagan Victoria Barry!  Born January 19, 2011 at 8:23 am.

The Breakdown of Events:
We were admitted around 5:00 pm.  Entered labor'land around 6:30.  Experienced the wonderful world of contractions.  Kindly requested that the epidural begin IMMEDIATELY.  After a wonderful night of sleep with my friend "the epidural", I was gently awakened by the nurse around 6:00 am with the news that I was at 10 cm and it was time to think about pushing.  Jim and I couldn't believe it!
The amazing Doctor Flora entered the room soon after... decided that Reagan wanted to "stay put" and not come out, so the vacuum was brought out and procedures took place. 
After 15 minutes of pushing... Reagan entered this world!  I could not have asked for a better experience!  Jim was AMAZING!  The nurses were WONDERFUL!  My doctor was FANTASTIC!  And my baby girl.... brought me pure peace, joy, and love!
It has been a week and one day TODAY!  And it feels like a minute..but I could never imagine my life without her in it!

As of yet....
-  We have experienced her first car ride to the doctors office on Monday.  I think Jim and I will recover soon. 
-  We have mastered the art of changing poopy diapers. 
-  Gave her her first bath, which was not as painful for me as I thought it would be.
- And have gazed at  her for endless hours in awe of every move she makes... she is AWESOME!

We want to thank everyone for the kind emails, texts, gifts that we have received.  Jim and I have been blessed with the showering of support from our family and friends.  It has ALLLLL been greatly appreciated!  We will get around to our thank you cards when things settled down.... in 18 years! 

A HUGE thank you to Auntie Kelley for arranging the "Meal Train"!  Our dear friends have been gracing us with their delicious meals and smiles every othernight since we have been home!  Jim wants to continue this for the remaining of 2011!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Jim has been busy being a PROUD dad and has been taping his sweet daughter...
check it out:




Friday, January 14, 2011

Due Date... No Show!

Today was Baby Girl's Due Date....  APPARENTLY she DIDN'T get that memo.  So... I decided to take charge and do the things people say to do to speed things up a bit: took a walk around Balboa Island, took in some FANTASTIC weather, had a little caffeine intake at my favorite Starbucks, took mom to her acupuncture appointment (did not go the distance to having needles put in), took myself to a spicy lunch, had a foot and leg message, and finished it off with a warm bath! 
NOW.... I am currently waiting for animal control to come to my home, I have a stray dog in my patio that I just couldn't turn my cheek to. My husband is on his way home to share a nice dinner with me... pray to the gods that I don't screw up ANOTHER meal, and I anxiously await a MUCH NEEDED good nights sleep.
Stick a fork in me.. I am done!
So... we wait....wait...wait...with a smile on my face! I'm going to be a mom soon!

Today was a good day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year...New Life... New Baby!

It is amazing how FAST life tends to move, sway, and SPRINT!  It seems just like yesterday that we found out that we were expecting a new little one to our family of 2... or 2.5 if you include Maggie the wonder puggle.  It has now been 10 months.. and we are ready for the new chapter in our life to begin!  Baby is due tomorrow, January 14th!  So, as you can imagine, I am trying EVERYTHING to get her to make her debut!  But, on the other hand.. I am also taking in every moment of sleep, special one-on-one time with my amazing family and friends, and treating myself to a lunch date here and there.... all this has been strongly recommended by my sister and mommy friends.
We are VERY ready for Baby Girl to show up... room put together to my anal retentive standard, clothes washed and hung, books placed on the shelves ready to be read, and everything in its proper placement.  O.K.... I KNOW what you are thinking, "this perfect nursery will NEVER last, and don't get use to things being organized, clean, or in it's place."
I know, I know.... but let me have my moment of being a new, naive mommy. 
HOW did we get this room ready... My dear husband dealt with weeks,  maybe months, of me in my PANIC nesting mode.  He practiced pure patience and "made it all happen."
I love him for his hard work and holding back the urge to want to stranggle me on a daily basis.  He has been the BEST husband, soon-to-be father, and friend a VERY pregnant girl could ask for.
So...now we wait!
Room ready, bags packed, and  we are ready to begin our new lives playing the role as "mommy and daddy".