Old School

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reagan's First Photos...

We had a good friend, who is a FABULOUS photographer, come over to take Reagan's first photos.
What a fun day!  We had the HEAT on full blast... trying to get her to fall into a deep and restful sleep.  After 2 hours of our HOT attempt, and us stripping off our clothing, she FINALLY closed her baby blues and allowed us to position her in all sorts of funky positions.
Our favorite is the "pissed off ballerina" photo..... she does not look like she'll be wanting to attend any dance classes anytime soon. 

Check out Eva's website to view Reagan's photos:
Eva Lempert Photopgraphy
-  Eva's Website Link:  http://evalempert.net/?p=2177

Reagan's Pictures:
The username is "reagan"
The password is "triplechins"

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Favorite Things... for Baby.

Top FAVORITE things that have made "babyland" a bit easier... and "No" I am not going to give away these things like Oprah does.

1.  Recliner 
Monte Design Group  http://www.montedesign.net/grano.html 
We purchased this after speaking to a few of our "seasoned" friends who have also stepped into the world of diapers and sweatpants.  It has been the BEST thing!  It was purchased with the idea that it would go into Reagan's room.... it currently lives in our living room.... and I don't think it will ever go back into the nursery.

2.  Baby Blankets: 
BabyJade http://www.babyjadeusa.com/
This blanket is the SOFTEST, WARMEST, and MOST COMFORTABLE thing that Reagan owns.  I hear that they make BIG BABY (aka...ME) sizes too..... My birthday IS coming up people!
I have the skull and crossbones print.... adorable!

Purl Sohohttp://www.purlsoho.com/purl/products/item/7825-Purl-Soho-Super-Easy-Baby-Blanket-Kit
This link brings you to a kit... but I was blessed by receiving a handmade blanket by my good friend Jen and her princess Bobby Rae.  Beautiful blanket... a perfect gift for that new addition.

3.  Baby Cottons
I love this brand.  So soft and washes VERY well.  I cried when Reagan grew out of her newborn pieces.  Seriously... I did cry. :-)

4.  Sleep Sacks
Any sleep sack is my best friend at 2:00 am and I have to change her diaper.... the LAST thing I (and Reagan) wants to do is to deal with snaps and buttons.  I wish I had a sleep sack for those nigh time visits to the WC

5.  Pacifiers
THANK YOU!!!!  These things have helped me obtain a few extra hours, yes HOURS, of sleep each night. 

6.  Baby Bjorn
I tried a few different carriers... swaddles...wraps... and the Baby Bjorn has been Reagan's favorite so far.
I kid you not... that as I write this, Reagan is in her Baby Bejourn on my chest.  Today was not the best of days for our sweet girl....cried forEVER... so in the Bjorn she goes and to sleep we stay.  I have been wearing this since 1:00.... it is now 4:30.
Gotta do what I gotta do to let princess sleep. 
When Jim gets home... its my turn to get into it and sleep. :-)  Hope he can carry us both.

7.  BOB
Why get anything else.... I do not know.  This stroller incredibly easy to get in and out of the car, maneuver, AND it has a lot of places for me to place MY junk...like my coffee, shopping bags, extra blankets, my ridiculously oversized diaper bag, and Maggie's doggie bags.  Love it!

8.  My Breastfriend.... yes, this is the real name.
IF you have a baby...and plan to nurse... you HAVE to get this pillow!
When I first saw this... I almost bought it for the sake of how silly the name was.  I did pass on it because I bought the Boppy Pillow.  BIG MISTAKE!  Jim ran out the day after we had Reagan to purchase my VERY OWN BREAST-FRIEND. It has been a life (aka: breast) saver!

9.  Last but NOT least.... Mr. Hippo!

Each animal is one-of-a kind, all natural & reclaimed materials.
Jim bought Reagan her Hippo and Penguin before she was born. 
He just knew that these would be special!
Reagan takes her photo with Mr. Penguin (not shown) every week.
You just pick out the animal that you'd like... and they decide the color and fabric.  It is an awesome gift for anyone....

10.  My Family and Friends
Do I need to explain.... they are THE BEST!  We have had visitors from near and far... meeting our sweet little one.  Thank you to everyone for your love, time, and support.   We thank you for being in our lives and blessing us with yours.

If you have anything else to add... let us know.  Always looking for ways to make living with baby a bit smoother.